Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Health Benefits of Ganoderma Enhanced "Healthy Coffee"

Before I explain some of the health benefits of Ganoderma healthy coffee, let's review some of the adverse effects of regular coffee, without Ganoderma extract. Although there has been some controversy surrounding the subject, most health practitioners would assert that drinking coffee is not conducive for health for a number of reasons. Coffee can leech vital alkaline minerals (like calcium, magnesium and potassium) and water-soluble B vitamins from the body, making it contributing to an overall overly acidic condition. Plus, coffee can deplete the adrenal glands and energy stores, thus weakening the immune system over time.

In addition to the adverse health conditions that long-term coffee addiction can cause, the caffeine contained in coffee can cause a host of negative side-effects, such as: nervousness, jitters, acid reflux, upset stomach, headache, irritability and insomnia. Despite its generally acknowledged adverse health effects, coffee is the second most consumed beverage in the world, and most people who drink it consider it a necessity rather than a luxury, making it the most popular unhealthy addiction in the world!

The Adverse Effects of Regular Coffee Consumption:
1) Can result in lowered Magnesium levels*
2) Causes increased Calcium loss through urine*
3) Acidity can irritate stomach and produce metabolic acidosis*
4) Can elevate homocysteine levels and cholesterol levels
5) Can increase cardiac arrhythmia and heart disease

*The first three combined effects can contribute to osteoporosis.

But because is so addictive, it is unrealistic to expect people to quit drinking it without offering an effective alternative to those who depend on coffee's stimulant properties to help them wake up and stay alert, which is why Ganoderma extract enhanced healthy coffee was introduced a few years ago. Ganoderma lucidum mushroom is a potent medicinal herb that can decrease the adverse effects of coffee and add numerous health-supporting benefits, making it the ultimate solution for transforming this unhealthy addiction into a healthy one. In fact, Ganoderma-enhanced healthy coffee has enabled numerous coffee addicts to reduce their dependency and intake of coffee. Additionally, many people have reported significant "coincidental" health improvements simply by replacing their regular coffee with Ganoderma healthy coffee and tea products.

"Healthy Coffee" enhanced with Gandoderma lucidum extract has been gaining popularity over the past five years amongst coffee consumers and entrepreneurs interested in home-based money making opportunities. Although there is a plethora of Ganoderma coffee products and companies to choose from, I am willing to stake my reputation on the Ganoderma products and companies presented on this website for the reasons stated below.

What is Ganoderma lucidum?
This medicinal mushroom, also known as Red Reishi, Mannetaki and Lingzhi, was discovered over 5000 years ago by ancient Chinese doctors, who ranked this "Superior" to all other herbs, including Ginseng. Dubbed as "The Herb of Immortality" and "The King of Herbs" Ganoderma lucidum was reserved for royalty. The herb was so highly prized that peasants who found Ganoderma lucidum growing wild in the forests could exchange it for the mushroom's weight in gold!

Why Is Ganoderma Lucidum So Special?
In general, Ganoderma functions as an adaptogen. An adaptogen is a natural substance found in a few rare plants and herbs that shield the body against the impacts of stress. They are unique nutrients that work at a cellular level to restore, re-balance and re-energize stressed cells and organs. They are powerful agents that reverse abnormal function to normal. Adaptogens are not drugs and they have no adverse side effects. They are not available in the food we eat, and must be taken as supplements. Among natural supplements available, adaptogens are considered as the most important in their role to improve health and longevity. Ganoderma is considered to be the most powerful adaptogen ever discovered!

Stress; in all of its forms (emotional, financial, metabolic, oxidative, chemical) bombard our lives 24/7 and produce cumulative adverse effects on our health.

The Documented Health Benefits (in vitro & in vivo) of whole Ganoderma lucidum extracts include:
1) Analgesic
2) Anti-allergy
3) Bronchitis preventative
4) Anti-inflammatory*
5) Anti-viral
6) Anti-bacterial
7) Anti-oxidant
8) Anti-tumor activity
9) Supports healthy bone marrow
10) Anti-depression
11) Supports cardiac health, improving coronary-artery blood flow
12) Balances and supports the immune system
13) Improves adrenal function

*All degenerative conditions have a chronic inflammatory component, which are caused by alterations, weaknesses defects of the immune system.

When you consider these important benefits that have been added to Ganoderma extract enhanced "Healthy Coffee", there are multiple reasons to replace unhealthy coffee with this alternative.

To learn more about the health benefits of Ganoderma lucidum mushrooms and Ganoderma Coffee, please visit

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Red Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi) Mushroom

Ganoderma lucidum fungus mushrooms grow in a variety of climates (including tropical and temperate regions) and are widely distributed in ancient forests throughout North and South America, Africa, Europe, and Asia. This parasitic bracket fungus thrives on the decaying wood of fallen logs and stumps, and at the bases of a wide variety of aging deciduous trees, including oaks and maples. Ganoderma lucidum's close relative, Ganoderma tsugae, grows on aging and decaying hemlock trees. Because they are rarely found in nature, (only about two or three out of 10,000 aging trees will yield this fungus), Ganoderma mushrooms are artificially cultivated both indoors under sterile conditions and outdoors on logs or woodchip beds to meet the high commercial demand for this valuable and important herb.

The Latin names, Ganoderma lucidum, are derived from the Greek words 'ganos', meaning "brightness or sheen", hence "shining", and 'derma', meaning "skin" and the specific descriptor 'lucidum', also meaning "shining". Additionally, Ganoderma lucidum is referred to by different names, including: Reishi (Japanese) and Mannetake (Japanese), meaning "10,000 year mushroom" and Lingzhi (Chinese), meaning "herb of spiritual potency" and Yeongji (Korean).

Ganoderma lucidum enjoys special veneration in Asia, where it has been reputed as "the king of all herbs" and "mushroom of immortality", and used medicinally as for more than 4,000 years, making it one of the oldest mushrooms known to have been used in medicine. Ganoderma lucidum has earned the reputation as the ultimate herb due to its attributable health benefits and absence of side-effects. Lingzhi is listed in the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia and Therapeutic Compendium.

Among the many known benefits, Ganoderma lucidum is revered for its potent immune-strengthening, anti-aging and general tonic effects on the body, which have been confirmed by modern scientific research.

Ganoderma Lucidum Research

Ganoderma lucidum may possess anti-tumor, immunomodulatory and immunotherapeutic activities, supported by studies on polysaccharides, terpenes, and other bioactive compounds isolated from fruiting bodies and mycelia of this fungus (reviewed by R. R. Paterson[4] and Lindequist et al.[7]). It has also been found to inhibit platelet aggregation, and to lower blood pressure (via inhibition of angiotensin-converting enzyme[8]), cholesterol, and blood sugar.[9]

Laboratory studies have shown anti-neoplastic effects of fungal extracts or isolated compounds against some types of cancer. In an animal model, Ganoderma has been reported to prevent cancer metastasis,[10] with potency comparable to Lentinan from Shiitake mushrooms.[11]

The mechanisms by which G. lucidum may affect cancer are unknown and they may target different stages of cancer development: inhibition of angiogenesis (formation of new, tumor-induced blood vessels, created to supply nutrients to the tumor) mediated by cytokines, cytoxicity, inhibiting migration of the cancer cells and metastasis, and inducing and enhancing apoptosis of tumor cells.[4] Nevertheless, G. lucidum extracts are already used in commercial pharmaceuticals such as MC-S for suppressing cancer cell proliferation and migration.

Additional studies indicate that ganoderic acid can help to strengthen the liver against liver injury by viruses and other toxic agents in mice, suggesting a potential benefit of this compound in the prevention of liver diseases in humans,[12] and Ganoderma-derived sterols inhibit lanosterol 14α-demethylase activity in the biosynthesis of cholesterol .[13] Ganoderma compounds inhibit 5-alpha reductase activity in the biosynthesis of dihydrotestosterone.[8]

Besides effects on mammalian physiology, Ganoderma is reported to have anti-bacterial and anti-viral activities.[14][15] Ganoderma is reported to exhibit direct anti-viral with the following viruses; HSV-1, HSV-2, influenza virus, vesicular stomatitis. Ganoderma mushrooms are reported to exhibit direct anti-microbial properties with the following organisms; aspergillus niger, bacillus cereus, candida albicans, and escherichia coli.


Ganoderma Health Research

This video explains some of the recent modern medical research findings related to Ganoderma Health Benefits. In general, Ganderma Lucidum Mushroom has been used in ancient Chinese medicine for over 5000 years, and is also known as Reishi, Red Reishi, Lingzhi, and Mannetake mushroom. Modern science has confirmed the importance of this valuable and potent herb. Some of the general important health benefits of Ganoderma include these properties anti-oxidant and nutrient dense food/medicine: general tonic, immune system support, circulatory support, nervous system support, and metabolism and weight balance, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungungal. Recently Ganoderma Lucidum has been recognized for it's powerful anti- carcinogenic and anti-aging properties.

Ganoderma General Health Benefits

Ganoderma Lucidum Health Benefits

Ganoderma Lucidum, has many nicknames, including: the “King of Herbs”, "Herb of Immortality", "Medicine of Kings and Emperors". Ganoderma lucidum's official names include: "Red Reishi" (Japanese) or "Lingzhi" (Chinese), this herbal mushroom has been used in Japan and China for over 5000 years, making it the oldest recorded medicinal mushroom. In ancient times it was reserved for emperors and royalty and was revered as nature's most rare and beneficial herb.

According to the Shen Nung Ben Cao Jing, the oldest and most famous medical text on Oriental herbal medicine, is Ganoderma Lucidum is ranked as 'Superior', above Ginseng. Around 2800 BC, the Chinese medical text documented three classes of treatment:
Superior: Rare herbs that could prolong life, prevent aging and boost chi (energy)
Short term tonics: and boosters (not for prolonged use)
Potent, sometimes toxic: for very short-term use in acute cases.

Of 365 identified herbs and substances, Ganoderma lucidum was listed as the #1 Herb in the Superior category (above #2 ranked Ginseng).

General Health Benefits (in vitro & in vivo) of whole Ganoderma lucidum extracts:

1. Analgesic
2. Anti-allergy
3. Bronchitis preventative
4. Anti-inflammatory*
5. Anti-viral
6. Anti-bacterial
7. Anti-oxidant
8. Anti-tumor activity
9. Supports healthy bone marrow
10. Anti-depression
11. Supports cardiac health, improving coronary-artery blood flow
12. Balances and supports the immune system
13. Improves adrenal function

*All degenerative conditions have a chronic inflammatory component, which are caused by alterations, weaknesses defects of the immune system.

In general, Ganoderma functions as an adaptogen. An adaptogen is a natural substance found in a few rare plants and herbs that shield the body against the impacts of stress. They are unique nutrients that work at a cellular level to restore, re-balance and re-energize stressed cells and organs. They are powerful agents that reverse abnormal function to normal. Adaptogens are not drugs and they have no adverse side effects. They are not available in the food we eat, and must be taken as supplements. Among natural supplements available, adaptogens are considered as the most important in their role to improve health and longevity. Ganoderma is considered to be the most powerful adaptogen ever discovered.

Stress; in all of its forms (emotional, financial, metabolic, oxidative, chemical) bombard our lives 24/7 and produce cumulative adverse effects on our health.

Ganoderma Healthy Coffee: General Health Benefits

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Health Benefits
Among the many known benefits, Ganoderma Lucidum is revered for its potent immune-strengthening, anti-aging and general tonic effects on the body, which have been confirmed by modern scientific research. Other confirmed benefits include:

Ganoderma lucidum contains 150+ Anti-oxidants, 200+ Nutrients, and nature’s most therapeutic compounds!
Non-toxic: Extended use causes NO side effects, reduces toxic effects of conventional medicine
Adaptogenic: Taken regularly, restores overall organ functions, promotes general health
Immune Strengthener & Modulator: Supports, regulates the immune system
Anti-fungal/Anti-Bacterial: Fights disease & infection restores healthy gut micro-flora balance
Alkalizing: Restores proper pH balance, prevents illness
Body-Weight Regulator: Aids weight loss or gain, as needed, to reach normal weight.
Circulatory Aid: Reduces arterial plaque, improves circulation, increases blood oxygen

The documented use of Ganoderma lucidum mushroom herb dates back to ancient Chinese medicine over 5000 years ago, making it the first discovered medicinal mushroom on record. It is considered by numerous Asian cultures to be the "King of Herbs", due to the potent immune-enhancing, anti-aging and general tonic benefits attributed to its use.

So by now I hope you are wondering: 'What does this Ganoderma have to do with coffee?' Well, the answer is that some really smart folks figured out how to add Ganoderma lucidum extract of this normally very bitter tasting herb to coffee, and transform the world's most popular unhealthy beverage/addiction into a truly delicious, healthy habit!

Sounds preposterous, I know, but trust me on this one, and you'll be glad you did. For more information, you are invited to visit my main website: