Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Health Benefits of Ganoderma Enhanced "Healthy Coffee"

Before I explain some of the health benefits of Ganoderma healthy coffee, let's review some of the adverse effects of regular coffee, without Ganoderma extract. Although there has been some controversy surrounding the subject, most health practitioners would assert that drinking coffee is not conducive for health for a number of reasons. Coffee can leech vital alkaline minerals (like calcium, magnesium and potassium) and water-soluble B vitamins from the body, making it contributing to an overall overly acidic condition. Plus, coffee can deplete the adrenal glands and energy stores, thus weakening the immune system over time.

In addition to the adverse health conditions that long-term coffee addiction can cause, the caffeine contained in coffee can cause a host of negative side-effects, such as: nervousness, jitters, acid reflux, upset stomach, headache, irritability and insomnia. Despite its generally acknowledged adverse health effects, coffee is the second most consumed beverage in the world, and most people who drink it consider it a necessity rather than a luxury, making it the most popular unhealthy addiction in the world!

The Adverse Effects of Regular Coffee Consumption:
1) Can result in lowered Magnesium levels*
2) Causes increased Calcium loss through urine*
3) Acidity can irritate stomach and produce metabolic acidosis*
4) Can elevate homocysteine levels and cholesterol levels
5) Can increase cardiac arrhythmia and heart disease

*The first three combined effects can contribute to osteoporosis.

But because is so addictive, it is unrealistic to expect people to quit drinking it without offering an effective alternative to those who depend on coffee's stimulant properties to help them wake up and stay alert, which is why Ganoderma extract enhanced healthy coffee was introduced a few years ago. Ganoderma lucidum mushroom is a potent medicinal herb that can decrease the adverse effects of coffee and add numerous health-supporting benefits, making it the ultimate solution for transforming this unhealthy addiction into a healthy one. In fact, Ganoderma-enhanced healthy coffee has enabled numerous coffee addicts to reduce their dependency and intake of coffee. Additionally, many people have reported significant "coincidental" health improvements simply by replacing their regular coffee with Ganoderma healthy coffee and tea products.

"Healthy Coffee" enhanced with Gandoderma lucidum extract has been gaining popularity over the past five years amongst coffee consumers and entrepreneurs interested in home-based money making opportunities. Although there is a plethora of Ganoderma coffee products and companies to choose from, I am willing to stake my reputation on the Ganoderma products and companies presented on this website for the reasons stated below.

What is Ganoderma lucidum?
This medicinal mushroom, also known as Red Reishi, Mannetaki and Lingzhi, was discovered over 5000 years ago by ancient Chinese doctors, who ranked this "Superior" to all other herbs, including Ginseng. Dubbed as "The Herb of Immortality" and "The King of Herbs" Ganoderma lucidum was reserved for royalty. The herb was so highly prized that peasants who found Ganoderma lucidum growing wild in the forests could exchange it for the mushroom's weight in gold!

Why Is Ganoderma Lucidum So Special?
In general, Ganoderma functions as an adaptogen. An adaptogen is a natural substance found in a few rare plants and herbs that shield the body against the impacts of stress. They are unique nutrients that work at a cellular level to restore, re-balance and re-energize stressed cells and organs. They are powerful agents that reverse abnormal function to normal. Adaptogens are not drugs and they have no adverse side effects. They are not available in the food we eat, and must be taken as supplements. Among natural supplements available, adaptogens are considered as the most important in their role to improve health and longevity. Ganoderma is considered to be the most powerful adaptogen ever discovered!

Stress; in all of its forms (emotional, financial, metabolic, oxidative, chemical) bombard our lives 24/7 and produce cumulative adverse effects on our health.

The Documented Health Benefits (in vitro & in vivo) of whole Ganoderma lucidum extracts include:
1) Analgesic
2) Anti-allergy
3) Bronchitis preventative
4) Anti-inflammatory*
5) Anti-viral
6) Anti-bacterial
7) Anti-oxidant
8) Anti-tumor activity
9) Supports healthy bone marrow
10) Anti-depression
11) Supports cardiac health, improving coronary-artery blood flow
12) Balances and supports the immune system
13) Improves adrenal function

*All degenerative conditions have a chronic inflammatory component, which are caused by alterations, weaknesses defects of the immune system.

When you consider these important benefits that have been added to Ganoderma extract enhanced "Healthy Coffee", there are multiple reasons to replace unhealthy coffee with this alternative.

To learn more about the health benefits of Ganoderma lucidum mushrooms and Ganoderma Coffee, please visit

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